صفحه تصویر/عکس
The question of what an artist could or could not do without violating the principle of Flatness-"the integrity of the picture plane," as it became known-inspired such subtle distinctions, such exquisitely miniaturized hypotheses, such stereotactic microelectrode needle-implant hostilities, such brilliant if ever- decreasing tighter-turning spirals of logic ... that it compares admirably with the most famous of all questions that remain from the debates of the Scholastics: "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"
paint-flings on that picture plane ...
The very use of thick oil paint itself had been a crime against flatness, a violation of the integrity of the picture plane, all these years ...
Nothing existed above or below the picture plane,
No, everything now existed precisely in the picture plane and nowhere else.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران